German to English translation of a student’s thesis

Dear Johanne,
Thank you very much for the swift sending of the final version!!
Two adjectives I can also attribute to your work are “fast” and “precise”! I really enjoyed our cooperation and it has become evident to me that despite the great spatial distance a really good cooperation is possible! Now the most important part is about to start, which is the assessment of the thesis by my supervisors and examiners. And in that respect this month’s amendments and corrections will probably play an important role. As soon as I have received some feedback I will let you know…
Thank you very much for your immense and flexible support! I was really fortunate to come across your website – I suppose it must have been fate 🙂
Bye for now!
Some weeks later I received this follow-up email from this client:
Hello Johanne,
I owe you an “update”! Incredibly, my changes were approved by the examiner – the thesis is currently displayed along with others in the British Library. In November the official ceremony and awarding of the doctoral degree certificate will take place.
At this point it seems appropriate to say my final “Thank you” : Thank you for your openness, your super-flexibility and quality for my work! Our cooperation was extremely good and I think that this is really due to your strong personal commitment! My thanks also to your “comrade-in-arms”! I would like to send you a hard-copy of the thesis. As soon as it is printed (publishers Dr. Kovac) I will send a copy to you. I assume that your address on the invoice is still valid?
Best regards