
Wedding Speeches and others

Best Man’s Speech translation plus mp3 recording

Hi Johanne, The speech went really well, the Germans absolutely loved my German section, I think they were really surprised by it and  your recording helped massively on that front I am sure. The rest of the speech was shared in paper form amongst the  guests, it also translated really […]

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Wedding speech translation plus mp3 recording

Johanne, As I said in my earlier mail, the files have arrived safely, and although yes I have Mac computers, they can open Word files, but how clever of you to bear Mac use in mind. What a wonderful job you’ve made of the translation! That together with the MP3 […]

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Translation of Wedding Ceremony plus mp3 recording

Dear Johanne This e-mail comes later than I had intended. I just wanted to say again how glad I was that I asked you to do the translation for the wedding ceremony I conducted recently in Cologne. The couple were delighted with the words, the guests full of praise – […]

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Wedding Speech translation plus mp3 recording

Hi Johanne I thought your service was a pleasure from start to finish. The added bonus of an Mp3 file is an excellent idea and very  helpful. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to others. Happy for you use the above para as a quote if you wanted. Best wishes […]

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Feedback from this Best Man sent after the wedding

Dear Johanne I just wanted to say thanks again for a fantastic job on the Best Man’s speech. The written translation went down very well – the Bride’s father read it again later in the evening and was laughing again then – he was really pleased as he speaks no […]

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Best Man’s Speech translation plus mp3 recording

Hi Johanne all received safely – thanks for such a quick and efficient service, great job! The mp3 in particular is a real help – very clear and I will be listening to it regularly over the next few days I can assure you! I will let you know how […]

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